Most babies will end up in their parents bed at one point or another but medical and non profit groups alike fail to educate growing families on how to bedshare safely. If you are a parent or plan to be at any point, this interview below is one of the most important you'll watch/listen to (LINK HERE): James Mckenna, seen interviewed above, is an American biological anthropologist who is recognized as the world's leading authority on mother-infant cosleeping in relationship to breastfeeding and SIDS. McKenna is also the founder of the Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame. From their educational website he writes, "Where babies sleep is NOT ultimately a medical issue at all, but is instead “relational,” often practical, and is supported by parental and infant biological systems. No one-size-fits-all strategy as regards sleeping arrangements will work: there is more than one way to save babies' lives and promote the well being of families." To learn more about safe infant sleep check out Taylor Kulik's course HERE: Infant Sleep Foundations Safe infant sleep starts with a healthy pregnancy. Learn more from medical doctor and midwife, Aviva Romm HERE: Protecting Your Baby’s Microbiome from the Start To learn more about safe sleep guidelines visit the Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory website HERE: Safe Cosleeping Guidelines
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