You're getting ready to head to the birthing center to welcome your new little love, and you need to pack your bag. Maybe this is your first baby and you're not sure what you'll need to bring to the hospital as a natural minded momma. Or maybe this isn't your first, but you want to be more prepared this time around, especially with more natural options. I've compiled a short list of needed and beneficial items to bring along with you for your birth. If you are choosing a homebirth, these items will be helpful to have on hand. Birth Plan- Although you should have already discussed your birth plans in full with your care providers before you go into labor, you shouldn't leave home without a few printed copies to have on hand as a refresher for your hospital or birthing center staff. Comfy Clothes- I am so excited to get to tell you this! You do not have to wear that uncomfortable and half open hospital gown! The moment you put it on, you become a patient and mentally that can be a bit disempowering. Bring something cozy, stretchable, and easy to get on and off. I suggest:
Snacks- I'm also excited about this one! You can eat during labor! No more sneaking in food or following silly hospital rules. The American Society of Anesthesiologists recently released the newest research stating so. Eating during labor is especially helpful if you have a labor on the longer side. That said, here are some good labor food options that are easy to digest and will supply needed energy if necessary:
Make sure to bring enough for you and your partner. Tools for Comfort
Natural Medicinal Tool Kit
Bath and Body Products- Hopefully your stay is short and you are able to return home the same day you birth your baby. On the chance that you need to stay a few days, remember to pack some essential toiletries such as:
Baby Needs
This list is non exhaustive. Feel free to throw in your own natural items that you find or think you may find helpful for your birth experience. Remember that a bag full of stuff is not what is going to get you through your experience. You have all that you need deep inside your maternal being, and you are going to thrive on this journey! Resources:
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